One man's journal in the form of, 'Convex Poems.'
I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom today!
Published on September 8, 2004 By Sillymanjaro In Blogging
Mmm, fresh!
Is that
My sink?
So clean!

Who knew vinegar could
Cut through grease and gunk and
Grime; through crumbs and spillage?

Vile hoards of rebel germs
Will find no asylum
In this Land of Hygiene.

The shine,
It says,
'Look, just
Like new!'

on Oct 10, 2005
YOu can feel the giddy excitement you've got from cleaning in this short poem. that's quite a feat! Probably now officially the world's best poem on discovering the joys of hygiene!
on Oct 10, 2005
I agree with the above comment. Makes me want to see ehat the whole cleaning thing is about.